Saturday, February 5, 2011

Deadline for Submission Reminder

HI Everyone,

Just a reminder that the deadline for submissions for the Eagles Ink Literary Magazine is approaching -- March 11, 2011.

Nice rainy weekend to get the creative juices flowing!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Eagle's Ink Submissions

Hi Everyone,

Plans for the new Washington Montessori Public Charter School's literary magazine THE EAGLE'S INK are well underway. The students participated in the 1st Annual Washington Book Walk on November 6th. They met several nationally acclaimed authors and poets, and will be inviting some of those same authors to attend their own fundraising event in late January. Follow this blog to see the details in the near future.

Next Friday between 9:30 and 10:15 the literary club will be stopping by your classroom to make a short presentation about THE EAGLE'S INK to you and your students, and to give you all of the details about how to make submissions to the magazine.

We are also seeking donations of skill of anyone who might be able to help with logo making, layout, or have special knowledge of publishing. We are also seeking businesses who might be able to support us financially by purchasing advertising the the magazine, making a financial contribution, or a donation of in-kind services.

Call Theresa Armstrong 946-1977 x 414